Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

Schedule Fixed Feb 2010-July 2010

Akhirnya....!! Fixed juga jadwal pengembaraan satu semester ini. Buat para follower, here is my schedule... jadi kalo anda berminat menemui saya ..(ceileee sok selebritis...!!) silakan cari di sela-sela waktu tersebut...

Day Time Location and Room Course
Monday 07-11 Widyatama, B613 Computer and Society

Numerical Method

11-13 SBM ITB Introduction to IT

13-16 IM Telkom, 3D Data Management
Tuesday 07-10 Comlabs ITB IT Basic Skill Practice

13-16 IM Telkom, 1E Data Management
Wednesday 09-15 PoltekTelkom c2 and A5
Inf.System Analysis and Design
Thursday 07-12 Itenas, 9304 Software Engineering

13-16 Widyatama, B613 Numerical Method

17-19 Amik BDG DSS
Friday 15-18 IM Telkom, 4F Introduction to IT
Saturday 11-16 PoltekTelkom D1
Inf.System Analysis and Design

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